"CHOOSE YOUR LOVER" claims the headline in this full-page ad,
         one of the top 100 mail order ads of all time. Taking up  almost the entire top half of this
          page are 7 pictures of

beautiful women's faces. The order form is about 2 inches square in the bottom right hand corner, not big   enough    to actually fill out. But that won't stop a geek who hasn't had a date in 5 years from ordering  book, after he reads the small print.  The subheadings read "HOW TO MEET AND DATE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN",  "JUST A PART OF THE AMAZING KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN GAIN FROM THIS
         YOU'LL LEARN". Scattered about underneath these headings are
         some wonderful lies: "How to turn the female's relentless
         trait of curiosity into a weapon that drives her to you like
         a super-charged leopard", "The single most important secret
         of scoring with any type of girl" and "How to pick up
         sensational ladies without even trying". There's a fifteen
         day money-back guarantee above the order form. The book
         (I believe this ad may be very old)
         costs $8.95 + $1 P/H.


         This is the kind of stuff that makes money, folks. Real
         products, advertised in real magazines (the ones you find in
         bookstores), that satisfy a burning desire that the reader
         had BEFORE he started flipping through the magazine.

         Let's briefly consider some more of the top 100 mail order
         ads of all time:

             - "THE LAZY MAN'S WAY TO RICHES". Subheading: "Most
         People Are Too Busy Earning A Living To Make Any Money".
         This is the ultra-famous Joe Karbo ad in which he introduced
         the offer to NOT cash the customer's check for 31 days;
         during that time period the customer had the option of
         returning the book and asking for the check back.  The entire
         ad except the headline is small print; the order form is too
         small to be filled in by a human being; there are
         testimonials from people who claim to have made as much as a
         half million dollars in a year following Joe's advice; and
         the entire nature of the book is kept completely secret
         throughout the ad - just a lot of hype, really. (Please note
         that one marketing expert says he heard that Joe's book was
         so awful than an alarming number of people did return it, a
         fact which not many people know (if it's true) and which Joe
         seemed to hide pretty well).

         AMERICAN RAT RACE". Subheading: "7 Simple Rules Net This
         Working Man Without Any Money Or Experience $145,000 in First
         Year". This follows in the footsteps of the previous ad.
         There was room for plenty of competition for Mr. Karbo all
         those years ago - the market of North Americans who want to
         believe they can get rich without being productive is
         endless, and always will be. This ad is in small type with a
         pointless picture of a guy on the phone and his family in the
         background. Most of the ad is in a question-and-answer
         format. There is no order form.

         SAM".  This one was written by Gary Halbert, and I don't know
         of any American alive that could possibly read this ad and
         not truly believe that he or she could get previously
         unclaimed money from the government. The copy is very
         compelling. The order form is so small that if you've ever
         seen this ad, you probably wondered why they bothered putting
         it in at all. The belief is that, though it's too small to
         use, the "tiny order form" method is a psychological trigger
         that makes people think of ordering instead of just reading
         the ad and then flipping the page.  But I bet a lot of people
         DON'T order out of sheer exasperation that the ad isn't user
         friendly.  There's a nice picture of the White House.

         Subheadings include (of course) "No Hunger", "76% More
         Energy", "No Exercise", and other nonsense.

         queasy when it comes to bugs, folks, but there's a picture of
         a couple of huge roaches in this ad which could make anybody
         sick. I'd bet a million bucks that the emotion of disgust is
         the single most important factor in the success of this ad.

         IT!"? This ad says their book will teach you how to hypnotize
         yourself and use your subconscious mind to become a better

         DANDELION?".  Same as the bowling ad, only for golf.

         INFLUENCING PEOPLE". You can order an $8 book or a $25
         cassette series.

         MIRACLE IN GERMANY!" There's a huge picture of a foot with a
         series of concentric circles amanating from a spot that's
         obviously supposed to be in pain. It would be difficult to
         flip through a magazine with this ad in it and not notice it
         - and if you're feet were killing you at the time, you'd
         probably ask for more information about these foot supports
         which go into your shoes (this is a rare full-page ad which
         is designed to collect inquiries instead of make sales

         Dale Carnegie book was one of the hottest mail order ads
         ever. You get the book free and if you decide to keep it,
         it's just $1.96 (God, this ad is OLD! Also, people must have
         been a lot more honest back then - these days people ordering
         stuff on credit simply refuse to pay for it.)

         STARTED TO PLAY! -". This ad was a runaway success. It
         promises to teach you how to learn to play any instrument
         very quickly, and gives away a free booklet and demonstration
         lesson; the package they send in reply also offered to sell
         the instrument, to those who didn't own one.  Obviously the
         secret of this ad may have been the nice profit margin that
         musical instruments are sold at.

         What I hope you've been learning from these successful ads

             1) the importance of the headline. All the best ads have
         headlines at least a half-inch tall and they make it CLEAR
         just what is being offered. Trickiness and humor do NOT work,
         unless it is the sort of trickiness or humor that
         simultaneously tells the reader what the ad is about.

             2) the importance of claiming to solve a problem or
         fulfill an intense desire shared by a huge number of people -
         the desire for more sex, the need for more money, the desire
         to lose weight, increase beauty, ease your aching feet, etc.

                                 *   *   *   *


         Overcoming procrastination is no small matter - each of us
         would get everything we want out of life if we took enough
         action. Obviously, we don't always do this. Overcoming
         procrastination is a matter of pleasure and pain. While at
         your assembly line job you may be bristling with frustration
         at your boss. You may be bored with the meaninglessness of
         your task. While standing there perhaps you are full of
         desire to make it big by moonlighting with your own mail
         order business. But when you get home you crush the pain with
         the instant gratification of a baseball game on the
         television and a mind numbing cold beer. Needless to say,
         you've just blown it.  Willpower is a nifty concept but a
         lousy reality. Is there a way to achieve success in spite of
         this? I'm glad you asked ...

                            ADVERTISE AHEAD OF TIME

         If you are working on a new product or service, your
         advertisements should be prepared as soon as you know what
         the major benefits of the final offer will be. With the ads
         just waiting to be presented to your market, you will begin
         to work harder at finalizing your offer so you can RUN those
         ads and make money. Even more important, order your
         advertising before the offer is completed. You'll know when
         your ads are going to appear, and that's the date that people
         are going to start pestering you to buy your widget or
         service or to get more information. If that fact doesn't give
         you the kick in the pants you need to get things done fast,
         then you don't belong in business. Consider a job with the
         government instead.

                               WRITTEN CONTRACTS

         There's nothing like the pressure of legal obligation (and
         the possibility of legal prosecution) to force you into
         action and complete a project which involves another business
         party. 'Nuff said.

                                VERBAL CONTRACTS

         Interpersonal pressure is a leading human motivating force.
         All through school I performed meaningless unenjoyable tasks,
         went without sleep and nearly lost my mind because some
         stupid professor told me to. I would never work that hard for
         myself (I don't hate myself). The important distinction is
         that humans will very often put off a task if the only
         pressure comes from themselves. It's often more productive to
         enter an agreement with someone else and then let your
         natural desires take over - like saving face, appearing like
         a winner, not disappointing people, getting off on the right
         foot, etc. Just don't give yourself the option of saying
         "I'll do it tomorrow", or you probably will never do it at

                             SPECIAL "TIMING TRAPS"

         In September 1991 I decided it was time to put all the
         information I had gathered and composed to that date into 3
         information products.  I knew that I was going to visit my
         brother at Christmas and work with him on his publishing
         equipment to make these products ready for the printer.
         There was absolutely no way in this world that I could have
         escaped the necessity of getting everything ready before
         visiting him. God, what an exhausting week that was for both
         of us!  It's amazing what you can do - when you have no

                                 *   *   *   *


         A direct mail campaign sent to people who have bought
         something from you will usually generate at least twice and
         sometimes ten times or more revenue than a mailing sent to
         people who have NOT bought anything from you. Because of this
         fact, you should concentrate your up-front marketing dollars
         on turning inquirers into customers at a LOW PURCHASE LEVEL,
         then have the patience to let the REAL money come in slowly
         and surely during the weeks and months and years AFTER the
         original purchase, which turned the curious and skeptical
         inquirer into a satisfied customer.

         How can you increase the prospect-to-customer conversion?

             1) CHEAP OFFERS. Your attempt to get a first-time
         purchase should always involve a low purchase level, $20 or
         less. Quite simply, people are almost never willing to spend
         a significant amount of money on a company that they have no
         experience buying from.

             2) INTRODUCTORY DISCOUNTS. It's not enough to simply
         make the cheap introductory offer. You need to make a big
         production out of it, preferrably a long salesletter. My
         introductory "Killer Salesletters" wind up with an offer a
         fraction of the cost of the typical sort of offer made with
         a four-page salesletter.

             3) MAKE IT URGENT. Put a time-limit on your offer. It's
         bad enough that there are so many other people besides you
         who are trying to sell one thing or another to your
         prospect. If you don't make it seem urgent that he or she
         order from YOU and do it SOON, you're only decreasing the
         chances of turning her into a customer.

         The sort of direct marketing that I and most other companies
         do breaks down into 2 types: "customer creation direct
         marketing" and "customer squeezing direct marketing". The
         former is often a pain in the ass, but always necessary. It
         is sometimes profitable, sometimes not. Customer creation
         direct marketing is your attempt to turn as many prospects
         (some of which are really in the market and some of which are
         curiosity seekers) as possible into customers - TO GET THEM
         TO BUY SOMETHING - ANYTHING. Something that costs at least $5
         and not more than $19.95. Your goal here is simple: to build
         your customer list.

         "Customer squeezing direct marketing" is ultra-enjoyable. It
         is a simple matter of enjoying the fruits of your labor - the
         customer database you have created. You should be able to
         make a large profit when you mail offers to your list of
         recent customers. The only barrier to mail order wealth,
         therefore, is that we all start with a customer database of
         zero size, and it grows much more slowly than we'd like.
         That's life.

                                  *   *   *   *

                        HOW TO GET PROSPECTS TO REMEMBER
                        YOU SO THAT THEY BECOME CUSTOMERS

         DON'T SELL JUNK. People don't have time to create a space for
         you in their brain unless you have something useful and
         honest to offer them.

         USE MEANINGFUL MESSAGES. Meaningful messages are learned
         more than meaningless ones. Ie., "15 Steps To Buying And
         Selling Real Estate With No Money Down To Become A
         Millionaire In 1 Year" is more meaningful than "Fabulous
         Money Maker". Even your company name is a message; some
         company names are meaningless, some are meaningful.

         CONTACT THEM REPEATEDLY. Contact your prospect just once,
         and they probably won't remember you at all, at least not
         consciously. Unless your message is very unique and in huge
         demand, you can't afford NOT to contact your prospects at
         least 5 or 6 times in as short a time frame as possible.

         ADVERTISING MATERIAL. Remember the psychological phenomena of
         primacy and recency. People remember the first and last more
         than they remember the middle.

         USE UNIQUE AND UNUSUAL MESSAGES. But make sure that the
         reader still knows right from the start what you are
         offering. Originality is OK only if it is directly relevant
         and is somehow beneficial - simply using clever phrases and
         jokes does not work.

         tend to enjoy doing something if they are rewarded for it.
         Let's say your prospect gets halfway through a long
         salesletter and you reward them for reading that far by
         saying "To show my appreciation for reading this far, call my
         toll-free number, state the code word "Cowabunga" and leave
         your address. I'll send my free report on selling to
         Eskimoes". That prospect will likely remember you, especially
         if he takes you up on your special offer.

         BE A MANIPULATIVE S.O.B. Just after getting your prospects
         into an emotional state is a good time to present the message
         that you want to stick in your prospect's mind. This message
         may be that you have a new product, that you are having a
         sale, or whatever. How do you get your prospect emotionally
         elevated? Remind them of the painfulness of not having what
         you are selling. Remind them of the joy of having what you
         are selling. Bring up sensitive issues and assure them that
         your shared viewpoint on the matter is the "right" one.
         Sensitive issues include abortion, business ethics, capital
         punishment, etc.


                                 *   *   *   *


         There are 2 clearly definable sets of people in the mail
         order industry - hobbyists and businesspeople. This isn't
         exactly the inner circle, outer circle distinction I
         discussed last month; there are hobbyists and businesspeople
         in both the inner and outer circles. The outer circle, being
         the real business world, is much more quick to chew hobbyists
         up and spit them out - so you don't see them around so much.
         In the inner circle, people are active hobbyists for decades.

         I feel that one of the central reasons why so many people who
         get into mail order quit so quickly is that they didn't learn
         to make the key distinction between these 2 types of people.

         Thousands of people seriously commit time and money each year
         to learning the mail order industry via the inner circle,
         looking for something to sell, experimenting with
         advertising, free publicity, direct marketing, telemarketing,
         learning new computer skills, etc.

          Out of every few thousand people that do this, a handful
          "stick" and become inner circle hobbyists. Maybe they
          publish a single page adsheet, and that's all they've been
          doing for the past 30 years and that's all they'll ever do.
          Some mail chain letters and nothing else. There are, believe
          it or not, chain letter addicts in the U.S.A. and Canada who
          actually believe that one day they will find or create a
          chain letter that they will mail and get rich from.  Really,
          I'm not making this up.

          Am I knocking hobbyists? Yes and no. On the one hand, we all
          need friends in this world. We need something to do with our
          time, since the human brain quickly becomes bored if not
          given a meaningful and time-consuming task. Humans have a
          never-ending need to achieve greater understanding and try
          new things, to read, to talk to people.  "Hobbymail" fills
          all these needs for some people. And when it comes right
          down to it, not everyone is meant to be a businessperson!

          The problem with hobby mail is when it gets mixed up with
          bona-fide money-making mail order businesses and confuses
          the life out of sincere newcomers who just want to get down
          to the business of making money. So if you're just beginning
          and you're confused by the conflicting messages you are
          receiving from a combination of businesspeople and
          hobbyists, and you are intent on being a SERIOUS
          BUSINESSPERSON who MAKES MONEY, here are a few things to


          You can run a hobby mail enterprise without a computer, but
          you must have one if you want to be a businessperson. At the
          very least you will be word processing and doing mailing
          list management on too big a scale to be able to make do
          without one eventually.

                        "MONEY-MAKING" IS NOT A BUSINESS!

          Mail order hobbyists often publish circulars and
          salesletters which make "money making" sound as if it were a
          business in itself, like selling shoes, brewing beer,
          dusting crops or making T-shirts. But you can't just "make
          money". You must earn it by providing something that people
          want. Money comes as a byproduct of doing that.

                          DON'T HARRASS YOUR CUSTOMERS!

          Does your local grocery store demand you bring your own
          bags? Does a barbershop demand an admittance fee before you
          even decide whether you're going to get your hair cut there?
          Do movie theatre owners charge you for a percentage of their
          heating or air conditioning costs on top of what they're
          charging for the movie? MOST CERTAINLY NOT. Yet many mail
          order dealers do exactly that - they charge the customer for
          their costs of doing business.

          The ONLY sensible reason to use a 1-900 number or to ask for
          a dollar or a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) is to
          qualify prospects - to make sure the inquirer is serious
          enough about your offer to at least go to the trouble of
          coughing up a stamp or a buck or pay for a phonecall. But as
          far as the "But I Need To Cover My Costs" philosophy goes,
          this is just a case of incredible short-sightedness and
          possibly a lack of start-up capital. You'll save money in
          the short term because your envelopes and stamps will be
          free. But in the long run your customers will see you as a
          person who cannot even afford stamps, as a miserly or un-
          generous person who asks them to help you pay your costs of
          doing business.

          Your long-term profit potential from a secured and happy
          customer SHOULD BE hundreds of dollars of clear profit (if
          it isn't, it might be a good idea for you to give me a phone
          call or write me a letter so we can discuss your marketing
          plan). If someone's on your list for several months and they
          don't become a customer, you should kick them off your list
          anyway. The lesson? ESTABLISH A VERY COMFORTABLE PROFIT
          MARGIN AND DON'T ENGAGE IN PRICE WARS. You'll be able to pay
          for your own stamps, envelopes, and everything else, because
          of the profits from sales. Price warriors have an alarming
          tendency to either go out of business fast or just never get
          anywhere because (surprise, surprise) without a profit
          margin, they never make any money. Businesspeople (not
          hobbyists) who sell quality merchandise for what it's worth
          have a much EASIER time of making money IN THE LONG RUN.

          There's a growing place for "bargain basement" selling in
          North America but it's still far smaller than the rest of
          the business world. In fact, they're kind of a novelty -
          factory seconds stores with no sales people to help you,
          grocery stores that charge extra for bags, etc.  It's a
          little disappointing to see this, in my opinion. Our
          business world in North America is eating itself up because
          of these standards-lowering practices, when it could be
          employing sales personnel, interior decorators, etc. Thank
          God there will always be a place for the provider of quality
          merchandise and service who isn't afraid to make some money.

       Do you know what the most important, yet rarely talked
              about aspect of Internet marketing is?

       Your sales copy.

       That's right! No matter what kind of methods and techniques you use to get traffic to your site,
       if you don't have an effective sales letter, you're not going to make any sales.

       Yet, virtually all the info you find on this subject is, at best, general info: "Use benefit packed
       statements," "Talk TO your reader, not AT him," "Use bulleted lists," etc. etc. This kind of
       advice really doesn't help you.

       What if I told you that I found a product that will allow you to quickly and easily create a sales
       letter, in only 2 1/2 minutes, that is guaranteed to sell your product or service...without writing?

       That's right. You just fill in the blanks and you've instantly got a winning sales letter, guaranteed
       to bring in the sales.

       And, if you get yourself a copy of these powerful sales letter templates by midnight tonight,
       you'll also receive some bonus gifts that will blow your mind, including "The Ultimate Sales
       Letter Toolbox." This free bonus alone will increase your sales dramatically.

       Among other things, the "Toolbox" contains over 300 of the greatest selling words and phrases,
       over 20 powerful ways to state your guarantee, over 30 closings that make your prospects
       whip out their wallets, and over 30 P.S.'s that make readers buy.

 Increase your sales now by getting yourself a copy of "Instant Sales Letters" by clicking here
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